Saas & Software

Trust is the major factor that gets marketers to sign up for a SaaS trial.
Cody Clark
Real-time Social Proof for & Software

Growthmysales helps SaaS companies create trust and increase sign-ups by turning any website event into Social Proof

Just adding a welcome message and onboarding sequence to your product is proven to keep an extra 50% of your leads interested.
Loretta Wells
Increase “Week 1 Retention” by 50%

By providing instructions and support inside your app, Widgets show your customers how to use your tool and why they should subscribe.

Why Social Proof is so important for SaaS

The SaaS landscape is very competitive and potential customers want to know why they should trust you with their money, rather than your competitors. They need to trust that you will make their investment (even if small) profitable.

WITHOUT Growthmysales

Outdated Reviews

You are too busy developing your SaaS and don’t have the time to showcase recent reviews

USING Growthmysales

Increase Desire

Instantly show that many other marketers already trust your SaaS

WITHOUT Growthmysales

Ghost Town

53% of abandoned purchases are due to last- minute costs (such as shipping)

USING Growthmysales


Use a Free Delivery widget to remove nasty surprises

WITHOUT Growthmysales

Ignored Features

Customers don’t try your new features, they can’t find them

USING Growthmysales

Drive Adoption

Increase focus on new features and encourage use

Pop-ups for Saas & Software

Pop-ups have long been a controversial topic in the world of digital marketing. Some people love them for their ability to capture leads and increase conversions, while others hate them for their intrusive nature.

But when it comes to SaaS and software companies, pop-ups can be a powerful tool for driving growth and generating leads. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using pop-ups for SaaS and software companies, as well as some effective strategies for implementing them in your digital marketing efforts.

Why Use Pop-ups for SaaS and Software?

Increased Conversions

The main reason to use pop-ups for SaaS and software companies is their ability to increase conversions. By strategically placing pop-ups on your website, you can capture leads and guide visitors towards taking a desired action, such as signing up for a free trial or subscribing to your email list.

Pop-ups are also highly customizable, allowing you to tailor them to your specific audience and goals. You can use different types of pop-ups, such as exit-intent pop-ups or timed pop-ups, to target different segments of your audience and increase the chances of conversion.

Lead Generation

Pop-ups are a great tool for lead generation, especially for SaaS and software companies. By offering a free trial or demo in exchange for an email address, you can capture leads and nurture them into paying customers.

You can also use pop-ups to promote gated content, such as whitepapers or case studies, and collect email addresses from interested prospects. This allows you to build a targeted email list and continue to engage with potential customers.

Improved User Experience

While pop-ups are often seen as intrusive, when used correctly, they can actually improve the user experience. By providing relevant and valuable offers, pop-ups can enhance the user’s journey on your website and guide them towards a desired action.

For example, if a visitor is browsing your pricing page, a pop-up offering a free trial can be a helpful reminder and encourage them to take the next step. This can lead to a more positive user experience and increase the chances of conversion.

Effective Pop-up Strategies for SaaS and Software Companies

Now that we’ve established the benefits of using pop-ups for SaaS and software companies, let’s explore some effective strategies for implementing them in your digital marketing efforts.

Offer a Free Trial or Demo

One of the most effective ways to use pop-ups for SaaS and software companies is to offer a free trial or demo. This allows potential customers to test out your product before committing to a purchase, increasing the chances of conversion.

When creating a pop-up for a free trial or demo, be sure to highlight the key features and benefits of your product and include a clear call-to-action (CTA) button. You can also use a countdown timer to create a sense of urgency and encourage visitors to take action.

Promote Gated Content

Another effective strategy for using pop-ups is to promote gated content, such as whitepapers or case studies. This allows you to collect email addresses from interested prospects and continue to engage with them through email marketing.

When creating a pop-up for gated content, be sure to highlight the value of the content and include a strong CTA. You can also use social proof, such as customer testimonials, to increase the perceived value of the content and encourage more conversions.

Use Exit-Intent Pop-ups

Exit-intent pop-ups are a great way to capture leads from visitors who are about to leave your website. These pop-ups are triggered when a user’s mouse moves towards the top of the page, indicating that they are about to close the tab or navigate away from your site.

Exit-intent pop-ups can be used to offer a discount or special offer, encourage visitors to sign up for your email list, or promote a free trial or demo. By targeting visitors who are already leaving your site, you can potentially capture leads that would have otherwise been lost.

Personalize Your Pop-ups

Personalization is key in digital marketing, and pop-ups are no exception. By personalizing your pop-ups based on a visitor’s behavior or interests, you can increase the chances of conversion.

For example, if a visitor has spent a significant amount of time on your pricing page, you can use a pop-up to offer a discount or free trial specifically for that plan. This shows that you are paying attention to their needs and can increase the perceived value of your offer.

A/B Test Your Pop-ups

As with any marketing strategy, it’s important to A/B test your pop-ups to see what works best for your audience. This involves creating two versions of a pop-up and testing them against each other to see which one performs better.

You can test different elements of your pop-up, such as the design, copy, and CTA, to see which combination leads to the highest conversion rate. This allows you to continually improve and optimize your pop-ups for maximum effectiveness.

Start your trial now and pick a plan later