Best trigger word examples

Trigger words are powerful tools that can be used in various contexts, from marketing to hypnosis. These words are designed to elicit a specific response or action from the listener, making them an essential part of effective communication.

In this article, we will explore the best trigger word examples and how they can be used to influence and persuade others.

What Are Trigger Words?

Trigger words are words or phrases that are designed to elicit a specific response or action from the listener. They are often used in marketing and sales to persuade customers to make a purchase or take a desired action.

In hypnosis, trigger words are used to induce a trance-like state and influence the behavior of the subject. These words are carefully chosen and can have a powerful effect on the subconscious mind.

The Power of Trigger Words

Trigger words are powerful because they tap into the subconscious mind, which is responsible for our automatic responses and behaviors. These words can bypass our conscious thoughts and directly influence our actions.

In marketing, trigger words are used to create a sense of urgency, scarcity, and exclusivity, making customers more likely to make a purchase. In hypnosis, trigger words are used to induce a trance-like state and make the subject more receptive to suggestions.

Best Trigger Word Examples

Here are some of the best trigger word examples that can be used in various contexts:


The word “you” is a powerful trigger word that can be used to personalize a message and make the listener feel like the message is directed specifically at them. This can create a sense of connection and make the listener more receptive to the message.

In marketing, using “you” in a call-to-action can make the customer feel like the product or service is tailored to their needs, making them more likely to make a purchase.


The word “free” is a powerful trigger word that can create a sense of urgency and scarcity. People are naturally drawn to free things, and using this word in marketing can make customers feel like they are getting a great deal.

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In hypnosis, the word “free” can be used to induce a sense of relaxation and freedom, making the subject more open to suggestions.

Limited Time Offer

Similar to the word “free”, the phrase “limited time offer” creates a sense of urgency and scarcity. This can make customers feel like they need to act quickly before the opportunity is gone.

In hypnosis, this phrase can be used to create a sense of urgency and make the subject more receptive to suggestions.


The word “exclusive” creates a sense of exclusivity and can make customers feel like they are part of a special group. This can make them more likely to make a purchase or take a desired action.

In hypnosis, the word “exclusive” can be used to create a sense of importance and make the subject more open to suggestions.


The word “imagine” is a powerful trigger word that can be used to tap into the listener’s imagination and make them visualize a desired outcome. This can be used in marketing to make customers imagine themselves using the product or service, making them more likely to make a purchase.

In hypnosis, the word “imagine” can be used to create a sense of relaxation and make the subject more open to suggestions.


The word “because” is a powerful trigger word that can be used to provide a reason or justification for a request. This can make the listener more likely to comply with the request.

In marketing, using “because” can make customers feel like there is a valid reason for them to make a purchase. In hypnosis, this word can be used to provide a reason for the subject to follow a suggestion.


The word “new” creates a sense of novelty and can make customers feel like they are getting something fresh and exciting. This can make them more likely to make a purchase.

In hypnosis, the word “new” can be used to create a sense of curiosity and make the subject more open to suggestions.


The word “instantly” creates a sense of immediacy and can make customers feel like they will see results right away. This can be used in marketing to make customers feel like they need to act quickly to get the desired results.

In hypnosis, the word “instantly” can be used to create a sense of relaxation and make the subject more open to suggestions.

Limited Quantity

Similar to “limited time offer”, the phrase “limited quantity” creates a sense of scarcity and can make customers feel like they need to act quickly before the product or service runs out.

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In hypnosis, this phrase can be used to create a sense of urgency and make the subject more receptive to suggestions.


The word “guaranteed” creates a sense of security and can make customers feel like they have nothing to lose by making a purchase. This can make them more likely to take a desired action.

In hypnosis, the word “guaranteed” can be used to create a sense of trust and make the subject more open to suggestions.

How to Use Trigger Words Effectively

Using trigger words effectively requires understanding your audience and their needs. Here are some tips for using trigger words effectively:

Know Your Audience

Before using trigger words, it’s important to know your audience and what motivates them. This will help you choose the right words and phrases that will resonate with them.

Use Them Sparingly

Using too many trigger words can make your message seem insincere and manipulative. Use them sparingly and strategically to have the desired effect.

Be Authentic

Trigger words are most effective when they are used authentically. If your message doesn’t align with your brand or values, it can come across as disingenuous.

Test and Measure

To see which trigger words are most effective, it’s important to test and measure their impact. This will help you refine your messaging and choose the most effective words for your audience.

Real-World Examples of Trigger Words in Action

Here are some real-world examples of trigger words being used effectively:


Amazon uses trigger words like “free” and “limited time offer” to create a sense of urgency and scarcity in their marketing campaigns. This encourages customers to make a purchase quickly before the deal expires.


Apple uses trigger words like “new” and “instantly” to create a sense of excitement and immediacy in their marketing campaigns. This makes customers feel like they need to have the latest product right away.


In hypnosis, trigger words like “relax” and “imagine” are used to induce a trance-like state and make the subject more open to suggestions. These words are carefully chosen and can have a powerful effect on the subconscious mind.

Another Best Trigger Words

  1. Instantly
  2. Exclusive
  3. Proven
  4. Limited
  5. Revolutionary
  6. Secret
  7. Unique
  8. Guaranteed
  9. Powerful
  10. Results
  11. New
  12. Free
  13. Special
  14. Ultimate
  15. Discover
  16. Unlock
  17. Insider
  18. Essential
  19. Elite
  20. Expert
  21. Insider
  22. Cutting-edge
  23. Unleash
  24. High-performance
  25. Game-changing
  26. Breakthrough
  27. Risk-free
  28. Transform
  29. Must-have
  30. Irresistible
  31. Opportunity
  32. Revealed
  33. Advanced
  34. Exclusive
  35. Limited-time
  36. Now
  37. Save
  38. Bonus
  39. Confirmed
  40. Discount
  41. Secret
  42. Powerful
  43. Instant
  44. Quick
  45. Effortless
  46. Simple
  47. Success
  48. Uncover
  49. Insider
  50. Rare
  51. Authentic
  52. Valuable
  53. Premium
  54. Cutting-edge
  55. Proven
  56. Results-driven
  57. Master
  58. Peak
  59. Lifetime
  60. Innovative
  61. Proven
  62. Revolutionary
  63. Ultimate
  64. Game-changer
  65. Breakthrough
  66. Risk-free
  67. Transformative
  68. Essential
  69. Elite
  70. Exclusivity
  71. Essential
  72. Upgrade
  73. Champion